November Already?/’To Do’ List

Looks great but I'm not ready for this time of the year! Photo courtesy of Google images.

Looks great but I’m not ready for this time of the year! Photo courtesy of Google images.


I cannot believe how fast 2014 has moved. If you feel like I do- I’d say it was only June- about a month ago. It’s bad enough that the region I live in seems to have 2 main seasons: one short summer and one long winter. Most of us here are already dreading the monotonous behaviors winter brings. Thinking about it makes me cold. I opened my coat closet to get out the heavier jacket and scoffed at the winter boots- some still with the remnants of last year’s salt on them. Like most regions in the U.S. last winter was extra cold and there were a few extra feet of snow fall.

The only thing I’m happy about with this cold weather is the idea of being indoors more which will amount to more writing getting done and more work towards Affliction’s release. Even while I sleep I get little blurbs of ideas. At some point it’s time to put those things into action. My three main goals for November:

  • Get an email contact list– I’m coming up with a plethora of promotional things and giveaways that I want to host once Affliction is released. The easiest way to reach people is obviously through this outlet. Plus, I’d be just as happy to send a signed book to a few lucky winners whether they live in Sacramento, CA or Jakarta, Indonesia. If you’d like to be included in this list feel free to send a blank email (or a short hello- I won’t mind (: ) to:   afflictionnovel(at)gmail(dot)com

If you know anyone who likes the horror genre please let them know too!

  • Website for Affliction– I’ve had a domain for the book for well over a year now. I’ve heard several people I know talk about how easy it is to start up a website but alas, I’m still at the drawing board for this. Dear WordPress extended family: If you know someone who develops quality websites please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’d love to talk with them.
  • Write, write, write– I’ve mentioned before somewhere on here that Affliction definitely goes beyond the first book. As a reader I know I don’t want to wait 9 years (or even 3) for the next installment of anything, so yes I write now for the next book. At a little more than half-way complete, I’d say it’s pretty darn good. I want to get this one out sooner rather than later, of course!

Okay, enough about me. What are your plans/goals for the month of November? Are you dreading the incoming cold as much as I am or do you live somewhere with milder winter temperatures?